Helping you with your Home Care package

We can assist you receive home care that provides the maximum benefit to you.


Just give us a call on 07 46346302

Our friendly team can assist you:

  • Understand what options are available to you
  • Making the most of your package to service your needs
  • Assistance with paperwork, assessment, and access to your existing or new home care package

We will establish an individual care plan and budget that will provide the assistance you really need.

Services Include:

  • Allied Health
  • Housework & Cleaning
  • Meal Preparation
  • Medication Assistance
  • Nursing Care
  • Social Support
  • Shopping & Transport Assistance
  • Personal Care
  • Home Maintenance
  • Dementia Services

Services pricing and costs

Services can be funded in many different ways, the amount you pay depends on whether your care is regulated and subsidised by the government, by another funding source, or if you are paying privately for your services.

How much do I pay?

Your fees depend on the type of service, the funding body, your needs, and duration of the service provided to you.

Types of fees

There are three types of fees your Home Care Provider may ask you to pay:

  • the basic daily fee
  • an income-tested care fee
  • fees for additional services

As your chosen provider we can charge:

  • Administration costs
  • Case management costs
  • and any other additional amount you have agreed to pay, to your home care package funds.

All amounts to be charged to the home care package funds are outlined in your individualised budget that form part of your Home Care Agreement.

Homecare Charges Explained

What package management is*

Package management is a service that supports the delivery of a Home Care Package. This service includes activities such as:

  • establishing and managing your home care budgets
  • coordinate your scheduled services
  • preparing your invoices and monthly statements
  • responding to your enquiries about invoices
  • organising third party services
  • buying equipment (such as mobility aids)
  • arranging allowable home modifications (such as bath rails)
  • submitting claims to Services Australia
  • maintaining and updating income tested care fee payments
  • paperwork for ceasing care
  • storage and maintaining of your records
  • ensuring that our staff are suitable (police checks and immunisation checks)
  • staff training and education
  • conduct quality improvement, compliance, and assurance activities
  • complete financial reporting
  • maintain COVID-19 vaccination compliance documents.

Package management does not include:

  • business overheads or costs
  • administration and communication or marketing costs
  • care management tasks
  • direct service charges.

What Care Management is*

Care management is a service to all care recipients and includes:

  • regularly assessing your needs, goals and preferences
  • reviewing your home care agreement and care plan
  • ensure your care and services align with other supports
  • partner with you and your families or carers about your care
  • ensure your care and services are culturally safe
  • identify and address risks to your safety, health and well-being.


Schedule of fees

Care Contribution – Home Care Package

Basic Daily Care Fee 

No charge

Basic Daily Care Fee   – No Charge                                                                     

Income Tested Fee – Home Care Package   

As determined on your assessment by the Department of Human Services                                                              

Future Care Charges for Additional Services to Individuals, per hour   

Rates are calculated using hourly rates, minimum service time of 15 minutes per period/service

Carer AIN –  Mon- Fri  

$74.50 per hour

Carer AIN – Saturday

$103.50 per hour

Carer AIN – Sunday

$119.00 per hour

Carer AIN – Public Holidays

$128.50 per hour

Domestic Housework, Personal Care, Meal Prep, Medication prompting, shopping, social support

Personal Care –  Mon- Fri   

Personal Care – Saturday

Personal Care – Sunday 

Personal Care – Public Holidays

Domestic Housework, Personal Care, Meal Prep, Medication prompting, shopping, social support


$74.50 per hour

$103.50  per hour

$119.00 per hour

$128.50 per hour

Future Care Charges for Package Management* to Individuals by level, per fortnight or per day

Package Management – Level 1

$40.60 per fortnight

Package Management – Level 2

$70.00 per fortnight

Package Management – Level 3

$151.20 per fortnight

Package Management – Level 4

$228.20 per fortnight

Package Management – Lev 1 

Package Management – Lev 2 

Package Managment – Lev 3

Package Management – Lev 4                                                                 

$40.60 per fortnight

$70.00 per fortnight

$151.20 per fortnight

$228.20 per fortnight

Future Care Charges for Care Management* to Individuals by level, per fortnight or per day

Care Management – Level 1

$56.00 per fortnight

Care Management – Level 2

$99.40 per fortnight

Care Management – Level 3

$215.60 per fortnight

Care Management – Level 4

$327.60 per fortnight

Care Management – Lev 1

Care Management – Lev 2

Care Management – Lev 3

Care Management – Lev 4                                                                       

$56.00 per fortnight

$99.40 per fortnight

$215.60 per fortnight

$327.60 per fortnight

Domestic Services

Cleaning per hour, minimum 15 min per service time

Cleaning: Monday-Friday 

$71.00 per hour

Cleaning: Saturday 

$99.00 per hour

Cleaning: Sunday 

$113.00 per hour

Domestic Linen Charge Service  

$17.75 per change

Towel Wash  

$17.75 per load

Domestic Personal Washing Service

$17.75 per load

Cleaning per hour, minimum 15 min per service time

Cleaning: Monday-Friday

Cleaning: Saturday

Cleaning: Sunday

Domestic Linen Charge Service

Towel Wash

Domestic Personal Washing Services 


$71.00 per hour

$99.00 per hour

$113 per hour

$17.75 per change

$17.75 per load

$17.75 per load

Clinical Nursing (RN)

Registered Nurse Monday to Friday 

$101.00 per hour

Registered Nurse Saturday 

$147.00 per hour

Registered Nurse Sunday   

$172.00 per hour

Registered Nurse Public Holiday   

$193.00 per hour

Registered Nurse Monday to Friday     

Registered Nurse Saturday 

Registered Nurse Sunday   

Registered Nurse Public Holiday                                                                  

$101.00 per hour

$147.00 per hour

$172.00 per hour

$193.00 per hour

Gardening, Window Cleaning, Home Modification

Maintenance person – Monday to Friday

$71.00 per hour

Maintenance person – Monday to Friday

$71.00 per hour

Meal Preparation (excludes meal contribution)

Breakfast preparation

$4.90 per meal

Lunch preparation 

$11.90 per meal

Dinner preparation     

$7.00 per meal

Breakfast preparation 

Lunch preparation

Dinner preparation                                                                    

$4.90 per meal

$11.90 per meal

$7.00 per meal

Meal Contribution (raw food component)

Breakfast – meal contribution

$2.10 per meal

Lunch – meal contribution

$5.10 per meal

Dinner – meal contribution

$3.00 per meal

Breakfast – meal contribution

Lunch – meal contribution

Dinner – meal contribution                                                                      

$2.10 per meal

$5.10 per meal

$3.00 per meal

Meal Tray Delivery to your unit

Delivery Charge to your door (Glenvale Villas only)

$3.60 per delivery

Delivery Charge to your door (Glenvale Villas only)

$3.60 per tray

Mileage for Transport to and from as a return trip for Social Support, Appointments

Transport to doctors, shopping etc.

$1.35 per KM

Transport to doctors, shopping etc.

$1.35 per KM

Allied Health Services  

Prices are available upon request as per the requirements of your allied health needs


Same-day cancellations will be charged for a maximum of 2 hours; in an emergency, this charge may be waived.


Consumables, aids, and equipment eligible for purchase under your home care package will be charged at cost price. 

Call Outs (Glenvale Villas Residents only)  

Non-emergency Call Out Day 6am-9.30pm

$12.00 per call

Non-emergency Call Out Night 9.30pm-6am

(Emergency call outs are nil cost)

$25.00 per call

Non-emergency Call Out Day 6am-9.30pm

Non-emergency Call Out Night 9.30pm-6am

(Emergency call outs are nil cost)

$12.00 per call

$25.00 per call

# Notes:

  • Staff Travel Time is billed in 15 min increments to consumers residing in the Toowoomba Region however no travel time will be incurred for residents who reside in Glenvale Villas, Toowoomba
  • Total price will vary subject to your requirements and needs

For more detailed information that will suit your individual needs please feel free to call Homecare Coordinator Mr. John Coombes on 07 46346302 or contact via email